Terms and Conditions

The programmes presented on this website are the informative document into which these Terms and Conditions are inserted, forming an integral part thereof and which comprise, in the absence of an autonomous document, the travel contract.

This information is binding on the Agency unless cumulatively: the programme expressly provides for it; the changes made to it are insignificant; the information about the change is provided to the traveller on a durable medium.

These terms and conditions comply with the provisions of legislation in force. The Terms and Conditions whose object is a Travel Package or Related Travel Service set out in this programme, the respective standardised information sheets and specific conditions contained in the travel documentation provided to the Traveller at the time of booking his/her trip and/or flight comprise the travel contract that binds the parties.

ORGANISATION • The travel package on this website was created by Pinto Lopes Viagens, S.A., with registered office in Porto, and share capital of 3 000 000 EUROS, corporate taxpayer no. 503 149 950, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Porto under nº 51069, with National Tourist and Travel Agency Register (RNAVT) nº 2070.

REGISTRATION • Upon registration, the Traveller will make the payment requested. Pinto Lopes Viagens S.A reserves the right to cancel any registration for which payment has not been made under the conditions mentioned above. Reservations are subject to obtaining confirmation of all services by their providers.

INFORMATION UNDER LAW No. 144/2015 OF 8 SEPTEMBER – Pursuant to the terms of Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September in its current wording, we inform you that the Traveller may resort to the following Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entities: – Customer Ombudsman for Travel and Tourism Agencies at www.provedorapavt.com; – Arbitration Commission of Tourism in Portugal at www.turismodeportugal.pt.

COMPLAINTS • Any non-compliance in the implementation of a travel service included in the travel package contract must be reported in writing or any other appropriate form to the organising travel agency as soon as said non-compliance occurs, i.e., without undue delay.

The right to file complaints for the purpose of price reduction or the right to compensation for non-compliant travel services included in the travel package expires after 2 years.

BAGGAGE • The Agency is liable for luggage under the law. The Traveller should file a complaint with the service provider when his/her luggage is stolen, damaged or destroyed. For international carriage, in case of damage to luggage, the complaint must be made in writing to the carrier immediately after the damage has been detected, and no later than 7 days from luggage delivery. In case of a mere delay in delivering the luggage, the complaint should be filed within 21 days of its delivery. Filing said complaint is a prerequisite in order to activate Pinto Lopes Viagens S.A. liability to the service provider entity.

LIMITS • The Agency’s liability will be limited to the maximum amount payable to service provider entities under the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999 on International Carriage by Air, and the Berne Convention of 1961 on Carriage by Rail.

The agency’s liability for non-personal injury is limited under the contract to three times the price of the service that is sold.

BOOKING AND CHANGE EXPENSES • For each reservation, expenses will be charged according to the information provided by the Travel Agency at the time of booking. For each change (names, dates, type of apartment or room, trip, etc.) expenses will be charged according to the information provided by the Travel Agency at the time of booking. Please note that the acceptance of said changes depends on acceptance by the respective providers.

DOCUMENTATION • The Traveller must have their personal or family documentation in good order (Passport, authorisation for minors if applicable, visas, vaccination certificate and others that may be required). The Agency will not be held liable in any way if the Traveller is denied a visa or entry to a foreign country; the Traveller must also bear any costs that may arise from such an eventuality.

Nationals of non-EU countries should consult specific information regarding the documentation necessary for travel at the embassies/consulates in their countries of origin.

CHANGES REQUESTED BY THE TRAVELLER • If the providers for the travel in question allow it, whenever a Traveller, registered for a particular trip, wishes to change their registration for another trip or for the same trip departing on a different date, or any other change, they must pay the aforementioned fee as change expenses. However, when the change takes place 21 days or less before the date of departure of the trip for which the Traveller is registered, or if service providers do not accept said change, the Traveller shall bear the expenses and charges provided for by the clause on ‘Contract Termination by the Traveller’.

Once the trip has begun, if a change in contracted services is requested for reasons not attributable to the Agency (e.g. extension of stay, flight change), the prices for tourist services may not correspond to the prices initially published in the programme/catalogue that led to entering into contract.

ASSIGNMENT OF REGISTRATION (CONTRACTUAL POSITION) • The Traveller may assign his/her position, by replacing him/herself with another person who fulfils all the conditions required for the travel package, provided that he/she informs the Agency in writing no later than seven calendar days before the scheduled date of departure.

The assignor and the assignee are jointly and severally liable for payment of the outstanding balance as well as for fees, charges or additional costs arising from such assignment, which will be duly reported and verified by the Agency.

CHANGES MADE BY THE AGENCY • Where, before the start of the travel package, (i) the travel and tourism agency is obligated to significantly change any of the main characteristics of the travel services, or (ii) is unable to meet the special requirements requested by the Traveller; or (iii) proposes to increase the price of the travel package by more than 8%, the traveller may, within 8 (eight) days: Accept the proposed change; Terminate the contract, without any penalty, and be reimbursed for the sums paid; Accept a replacement travel package proposed by the Travel and Tourism Agency, and be reimbursed in the event of a price difference.

Lack of response by the traveller within the time limit set by the travel and tourism agency will be considered implicit acceptance of the proposed change. During the trip, whenever there are extraneous reasons that justify it, the organising Agency may change the order of visits or modify the departure times, and must keep the customer informed of this need at the location.

TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT BY THE AGENCY • When the trip is dependent on a minimum number of participants, the Agency reserves the right to cancel the travel package if the number of participants reached is lower than the minimum. In these cases, the Traveller will be informed in writing of the cancellation within: a) 20 days before the start of the travel package, in the case of trips lasting more than six days; b) 7 days before the start of the travel package, in the case of trips lasting between two and six days; c) 48 hours before the start of the travel package, in the case of trips lasting less than two days. Before the start of the travel package, the Travel and Tourism Agency may also terminate the contract if it is prevented from implementing it due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances. Termination of the travel contract by the Agency under the terms referenced above only gives the Traveller the right to a full refund of payments made within a maximum period of 14 days after termination of the travel contract.

CHANGES TO THE PRICE • The prices contained in the programmes are based on the costs of services and exchange rates in force on the date of printing, and are therefore subject to changes (increase or reduction in price) resulting from variations in the cost of transport or fuel, taxes, fees and exchange rate fluctuations up to 20 days before the date of travel.

If the increase in question exceeds 8% of the total price for the travel package, the provisions of the clause “CHANGES MADE BY THE AGENCY” will apply.

In the event of a price reduction, the Travel and Tourism Agency reserves the right to deduct from the refund to be made to the Traveller the corresponding administrative expenses, which will be justified at the request of the Traveller.

REFUNDS • Once the trip has begun, no refund is due for services not used by the Traveller for reasons of force majeure or for reasons attributable to the Traveller, except for any refund by the respective providers. Failure to provide the services listed in the travel plan due to reasons attributable to the organising Agency, in the event that said services cannot be replaced by similar ones, entitles the Traveller to a refund for the difference between the price of the listed services and the price for those actually provided.

TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT BY THE TRAVELLER –The Traveller is free to withdraw from the trip at any time before the start of travel.

Said termination implies that the traveller is responsible for paying any charges applicable to compliance with the contract and traveller cancellation, minus service reallocation and cost savings.

Where appropriate, the Traveller will be refunded for the difference between the sum paid and the amounts described above. In this situation, the refund will be made, deducting the termination fee, within a maximum period of 14 days after termination of the travel contract. The Traveller also has the right to terminate the contract before the start of said travel without paying any termination fee, if unavoidable and exceptional circumstances are verified at the destination or within the destination’s immediate vicinity which significantly affect the respective trip or the carriage of passengers to the destination. Termination of the travel contract in this situation only entitles the Traveller to a full refund of payments that have already been made.

LIABILITY • The Travel and Tourism Agency is responsible for the proper implementation of all travel services included in the travel contract.

Regarding travel packages, travel and tourism agencies are liable to Travellers, even if the services are performed by third parties and without prejudice to the right to return, pursuant to applicable rules and regulations.

In the case of travel packages, the organising travel and tourism agencies are jointly and severally liable to retailers.

As for other travel services, the travel and tourism agency is liable for the correct issuance of accommodation and transport tickets and also for the culpable selection of service providers, in the event that the latter are not suggested by the Traveller.

Any travel and tourism agency that acts as an intermediary when selling or booking separate travel services is responsible for errors when issuing the corresponding tickets, even in cases arising from technical defects in the booking systems that are attributable to said agency.

The Travel and Tourism Agency is responsible for any errors due to technical defects in the booking system that are attributable to the agency, and for errors made during the booking process if you have agreed to book a travel package or services that are part of related travel services.

The travel and tourism agency is not responsible for booking errors that are attributable to the traveller or caused by unavoidable and exceptional circumstances.

ASSISTANCE • In the event of difficulties experienced by the Traveller, or when for reasons not attributable to the Traveller he/she is unable to complete the travel package, the Travel and Tourism Agency will provide the following assistance: a) Provision of adequate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance; and b) Assistance to the Traveller in handling remote communications and finding alternative travel solutions.

If the difficulty justifying the request for support has been deliberately or negligently caused by the Traveller, the travel and tourism agency may charge a fee for the amount of the costs the agency incurs as a result of providing said support.

If the traveller is unable to return due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances, the organising travel and tourism agency is responsible for covering the necessary accommodation costs, to an equivalent standard if possible, for a period not exceeding three nights per traveller. Any retail travel and tourism agency is jointly and severally liable for the obligation in question, without prejudice the right to return, pursuant to applicable rules and regulations. The cost limitation provided for above is not applicable to people with reduced mobility, their accompanying persons, pregnant women and unaccompanied children, or people requiring specific medical care, provided that the travel and tourism agency has been notified of said specific needs at least 48 hours before the travel package starts.

INSOLVENCY • In case the Travel and Tourism Agency becomes insolvent, the Traveller may apply for the Travel and Tourism Guarantee Fund by contacting Turismo de Portugal I.P., which is the entity responsible for the activation of the fund:

Turismo de Portugal, I. P., Rua Ivone Silva, Lote 6, 1050-124 Lisbon

Tel. 211 140 200 | Fax. 211 140 830 | info@turismodeportugal.pt

INSURANCE • The liability of the Travel and Tourism Agency organising this programme and arising from the obligations assumed, is guaranteed by civil liability insurance with the Insurance Company “Generali Seguros, S.A.”, policy no. 1511007817, in the amount of 75 000 euros, under the terms of legislation in force. The Agency also offers travel assistance, cancellation and interruption insurance, adapted to the needs of each programme (excluding trips in mainland Portugal). Additional capital or coverage may also be requested, according to the information available on our insurance page. In the event of a claim, Pinto Lopes Viagens will activate the corresponding insurance, serving as an intermediary between the customer and the insurance company. If the customer does not wish to use this service, they must indicate this and they will then manage the situation directly with the insurance company.

VAT • The prices mentioned in this programme reflect the provisions of DL 221/85 of July 3, V. A. T. in the margin.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES • Departure times in each city are indicated in the local time of the respective country and according to the timetables of the transport companies at the time of printing this programme, and are therefore subject to change. For journeys made entirely or partially by bus, the times indicated are approximate. With all means of transport, please be aware of the possibility of delays resulting from technical or other reasons related either to the means of transport themselves or to transport companies. The Agency organising these trips does not consider itself responsible for the delay or lack of appearance for any of the participants at the places and times previously indicated for their respective departures, and therefore they will be responsible for the expenses with transport, accommodation, meals and others that may arise due to the fact mentioned.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE TRIP, E.G. REDUCED MOBILITY • When making a reservation, the customer guarantees that they are in the proper health condition to travel and that their health will not harm the safety and comfort of other passengers, always bearing in mind that the guide’s role is to ensure the well-being of the group as a whole. Passengers with reduced mobility or other conditions that require specific care must travel accompanied by a person who is responsible for all their special needs. Our programmes always include some walking routes, so they are not fully suitable for people with mobility difficulties or who move in wheelchairs, and it may not be possible for them to participate in all scheduled visits. If necessary, interested parties should contact Pinto Lopes Viagens in advance to find out from hotel and transport suppliers whether they are able to receive people with special needs or reduced mobility. Passengers in such conditions are subject to the rules laid down in community legislation on the transport of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility, and Pinto Lopes Viagens cannot be held responsible for any lack of information regarding particular aspects of the health of its customers.

HOTELS • The list of hotels included in the programmes is indicative, as is their category, which respects criteria and classifications assigned by local authorities. They may be changed to similar ones when, for reasons beyond the Agency’s control, it is not possible to maintain or confirm the existing reservation, with the Agency being obligated to inform the customer as soon as it becomes aware of this and applying the provisions of Decree-Law 17 /2018 of 8 March for these types of situations.

MEALS • The meals indicated as included, whether in restaurants or hotels, will be served to the group at a fixed time and with the same menu for all participants, not including drinks or special diets, and it is not possible for Pinto Lopes Viagens to guarantee that all needs are catered for.

AIRPORT FEES, SECURITY AND FUEL • Due to legal requirements, it is mandatory that the respective fees are included in the final price of the programme. However, we factor in possible changes that occur between the date of preparation of this programme and the date on which travel takes place, meaning that the respective fees are subject to legal changes up to 20 days before the trip.

VALIDITY • This document is valid for the duration of travel shown on this website.

NOTES • These Terms and Conditions may be complemented by any other specific ones as long as they are duly agreed by the parties.